
Innovation und Kreativität durch Design Thinking Neue Impulse erhalten für Marketing, Vertrieb, Prozesse etc. systematisch und kompetent

Mehr erfahren
Empathie. Integratives Denken. Optimismus. Experimentierfreude.

Nutzerorientierte Problemlösung

In enger Anlehnung an das Konzept eines Designs kommt das kreative Lösen von Problemen. Komplexe Prozesse müssen überwunden und diverse Fähigkeiten eingesetzt werden, um neue sowie geeignete Lösungen für ein Problem zu finden.


Lorem ipsum .... Nach einer klaren Analyse, einem transparenten Briefing und einer strategischen Planung eine fundierte Kampagne realisieren und eine starke Marke zu entwickeln.

digitalmedia berät rund um das Thema Marke und Markenmanagement und setzt professionell alle notwendigen kommunikativen Schritte um. Dabei betrachtet digitalmedia Marken umfassend. Marken sind mehr als Namen und Werbebotschaften, sie sind gelebte und in Produktform gegossene Identitäten und Philosophien, die von Menschen entwickelt und getragen werden.

Auf dieser Basis betreibt digitalmedia strategische Positionierung, mediale Inszenierung und absatzfördernde Kommunikation – als Anwalt und Partner der Auftraggeber.  

Wie das funktioniert?

Design Thinking Prozess



1.      Understand

First, understand the data challenge, business problem, and/or regulation.

2.     Observe

Observe and gather insights about a user’s needs. After all, it’s the people in the business who have to use the data every day.

3.     POV

Create a theory, about the user’s needs, pain points for ways to improve.

4.     Ideate

Generate ideas for possible solutions to the defined data challenge.

5.     Prototype

Create a possible solution to test your theory.

6.     Test

Gather feedback from users and stakeholders about concept and prototype. Iterate theory, ideate, prototype, and test as needed. Create a company culture to test and learn from your data.

7.      Storytelling

Tell the story to users and stakeholders to gain buy-in.

8.     Pilot

Pilot your idea within your organization

9.     Business Model

Incorporate data insights discovered in your design thinking process to your business model. From sustained use of design thinking, it’ll become your competitive advantage.


Was Sie davon haben?


The benefits and value Ms. Sriram has reaped in implementing design thinking has been tangible and sustainable. By strategically using clean data, resulting in a significant ROI, she’s been able to reassert big data’s staying power. She’s been able to partner with the newest technology and get good data quality to help her enable people to make faster and better decisions – inside the company and with customers. She also built a culture of integration and interaction between silos, using “and” rather than “versus”.

This inspiring and data strategist reminded us, “Innovation doesn’t require large volumes of data, but it requires clean data and people who know your business and customer … Design thinking is a lifestyle commitment. It doesn’t happen overnight, it takes years. And it comes from top down and bottom up.”

Was genau ist Design Thinking?


She quoted Tim Brown, CEO of IDEO, “Design thinking can be described as a discipline that uses the designer’s sensibility and methods to match people’s needs with what is technologically feasible and what a viable business strategy can convert into customer value and market opportunity.”

To reframe design thinking within a data context, it is a method to solve data challenges and to generate innovative solutions, based on a user-centered approach with a multi-disciplinary team.

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